Food & Water along the Great Ocean Walk
Yes but it’s untreated! Untreated rainwater is collected in tanks located in the Great Ocean Walk hike-in campsites and is available for walkers use. This water is not suitable for drinking unless treated. There are a number of different methods that hikers can use to treat rain water, such as filtering and boiling or adding sterilization tablets.
For further information, please refer to the Parks Victoria leaflet entitled ‘Water-make it safe to drink’ (see
At Blanket Bay, untreated rainwater is available for Great Ocean Walk hikers from a tap in the car-based campground. This water is not suitable to drink unless treated. Whilst the water level of each campsite tank is checked on a regular basis by Park Rangers, Parks Victoria cannot guarantee that rainwater will always be available at each campsite. You need to be responsible for your own water requirements and this is not something you want to get wrong! Especially in periods of warm weather, you will need to carry extra water, make sure you set off each day with at least two litres and a realistic means to resupply yourself. Carrying your own pack you are going to use up more water through sweating than if you’re just a carrying a daypack.
There are a number of potential water drop sites along the walk, where water containers can be dropped off by 2WD vehicle and discretely hidden in vegetation for intended use along the hike. Check out where road access points are for the walk to work these out. All containers should be recovered and removed following the completion of your walk. One kind house owner just before Milanesia gate has jugs of water outside his house ( ‘Orion’) but this is a rare instance of access to drinkable water.
The options for purchasing food supplies once you have commenced your walk are pretty limited. You really need to stock up with as much as possible in Apollo Bay, as your next resupply point is Cape Otway and Lavers Hill, then Princetown and Port Campbell. Limited food supplies are available from the little shop at Bimbi Park in Cape Otway , and the General Stores / Cafes at Lavers Hill and Princetown which can also provide a meal.
The Cape Otway Lightstation precinct has a café that serves light meals and refreshments during business hours. However you must purchase an admission ticket to the facility to gain access to the cafe. The Light station ticket sales kiosk near the car park area also sells cold drinks and snacks to the public not entering the lighthouse precinct.
The township of Apollo Bay has two supermarkets for more comprehensive shopping needs prior to commencing your walks, Port Campbell 10km past the end of the walk has a small supermarket. Walkers can discretely drop off their own personal food and water at a number of 2WD access points along the walk by hiding it amongst vegetation out of sight of others (guard against foraging animals such as foxes and possums by using sealed containers).
Shuttle services and self guided walk operators may arrange to move your food supplies for you and where convenient arrange food drops along your route. ( see ‘tours and services’ section for contact details)
Apollo Bay is well served by a number of cafes and restaurants, as is Port Campbell and Lavers Hill has 3 dining options. There are a number of accommodations that provide meals along the way as part of an accommodation package: Cape Otway Eco- lodge, Aire River Guesthouse, Twelve Apostles Guesthouse ( see accommodation section for contact details) all offer meals for their guests.
Alcohol – Stock up at the several bottle shops / supermarket outlets in Apollo Bay . Next place to refill is the Laver’s Hill pub before you finish at Port Campbell.
Coffee – Once you’ve left Apollo bay your next chance for a decent coffee is:
- Lighthouse station cafe ( entry fees apply), Cape Otway
- Lavers Hill Roadhouse & Blackwood Gully cafe, Lavers Hill
- Princetown general store, Princetown
1) Apollo Bay hotel , Apollo Bay
Great meals, good serves at reasonable prices.
Book a table if you’re a party, esp. in summer months.
95 Great Ocean Road
Apollo Bay Vic 3233
(03) 5237 6250
2) La Bimba, Apollo Bay
Stunning showcase of local produce. Open for Lunch and Dinner. Level 1, 125 Great Ocean Rd, Apollo Bay VIC 3233
(03) 5237 7411
3) Bay Leaf cafe, Apollo Bay
Great for breakfast and popular with locals.
131 Great Ocean Road
Apollo Bay (03) 5237 6470
4) Lavers Hill Pub, Lavers Hill
Good value pub meals in an authentic country pub.
67 Great Ocean Road
Lavers Hill VIC 3238 (03) 5237 3251
5) 12 Rocks bar & cafe, Port Campbell
Nice view out over the bay and terrace for sunny days.
Good coffee and selection of bar meals.
19 Lord St,
Port Campbell VIC 3269, (03) 5598 6166
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